Editing Packages
The packages below are available for either full manuscripts or for samples of a manuscript.
A sample would typically be 2000 to 5000 words and this approach would be better suited to:
- New clients – to find out if there is a good fit between my and the writer’s ways of working.
- Writers at an early stage with a Work In Progress (WIP) – to get a sense of how their story is shaping up and to get some early feedback on any issues of structure and style that might guide the rest of the writing process.
Developmental Editing
This is the big picture stuff, looking at the shape of the story and its characters. How well does the novel tell an engaging story with compelling characters on an intriguing personal journey. Do the characters develop through the events of the story, is the plot suitably structured and free from inconsistencies?
- What will I do? I will read through your manuscript making notes on broad issues of prose, character, dialogue, setting, and plot/structure.
- What will you get? A full written report of the strengths and areas for development under those headings. For a sample the report would be typically 1-2 pages long. For a full-length novel, it would be typically 6-7 pages. While I will not annotate the script to correct individual grammar or typographic errors, I will make a general comment on the “cleanness” of the prose and any obvious recurring errors.
- How much will it cost? 0.5 pence per word (£1 per 200 words or part thereof).
Copy Editing
This is a detailed check and polish of the narrative’s prose. Besides looking at fundamental issues of spelling, punctuation and grammar the editor will consider aspects of prose – like word choice, economy of expression and effectiveness of sentence structure. It is suitable for a near final draft of a book where all the structural and character elements have already been finalised.
- What will I do? I will read through your manuscript line by line and make corrections to grammar and typographical errors. I will offer alternative word choices or sentence structures which might smooth and sharpen the prose.
- What will you get? An annotated copy of your manuscript, with errors and corrections highlighted. (Note, for copy editing I work with MS Word or compatible document forms for ease of use/annotation).
- How much will it cost? 0.8 pence per word (£1 per 125 words or part thereof).
Content Editing
This combines developmental and copy editing in one overall package. However, when editing an early draft of a story, there may be a number of developmental or structural suggestions that lead to some significant revisions – sections cut or re-written or new ones added. In such cases the effort and expense of copy editing might be better saved for when you are nearer to a final draft.
- What will I do? I will read through your manuscript and correct grammar and typographical errors. I will make suggestions about word choice and sentence structure to smooth the prose. I will provide intext commentary on my experience of the story as developmental information. I will make notes on broad issues of prose, character, dialogue, setting and plot/structure.
- What will you get? An annotated copy of your manuscript, with errors and corrections highlighted. (Note, for copy editing I work with MS Word or compatible document forms for ease of use/annotation). A full written report of the strengths and areas for development under those headings. For a sample the report would be typically 1-2 pages long. For a full length novel it would be typically 6-7 pages.
- How much will it cost? 1 pence per word (£1 per 100 words or part thereof).
This is a basic check for spellings, typos and grammar, like copy editing but without any suggestions about content or word choices.
- What will I do?I will read through your manuscript and correct grammar, spelling and typographical errors.
- What will you get?An annotated copy of your manuscript, with errors and corrections highlighted and a second copy with all my changes accepted. (Note, for proofreading I work with MS Word or compatible document forms for ease of use/annotation).
- How much will it cost?0.75 pence per word (£0.75 per 100 words or part thereof).